Please Click here for further information regading Safe Surgeries
The Willows Medical Practice
Hainault Health Centre, Manford Way, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 4DF | T: 02085 015051 | E:

Safe Surgeries
Flu Vaccination
We are offering Flu vaccines during weekdays Monday to Friday so please call and book appointment at THE WILLOWS MEDICAL PRACTICE.
Welcome to The Willows Medical Practice
Our Practice Ethos is to strive to deliver high quality, compassionate care and to put our patients first.
We are confident that our website will provide clear and concise help and give our patients the information they require in an easy and convenient format. It has been designed with the patient’s needs at the forefront of everything, from checking surgery times to letting us know what you think of us.
Our dedicated team are here to treat those minor ailments that occur as well as providing specialist management of long-term conditions and clinics covering a wide range of healthcare issues. The technology also means you can now do a lot of things from the comfort of your home such as online electronic consultation, order a repeat prescription, book or cancel an appointment.
Please note we offer SAME DAY APPOINTMENT which may include Face to Face, Telephone and Online Triage. You do not have to come to surgery as appointments can be made by calling our dedicated appointments line.
Patients are registered with a Named GP at the practice, but you can choose any clinician on the day you wish to see if they are available. We will always try to allocate your chosen clinician, but you may have to see another clinician if nature of your illness is urgent.
Accurx Patient Triage
Online Electronic Consultation Service
The surgery offers an electronic consultation service which enables you to submit a query to a doctor and expect a response within 48 working hours. You can attach photos as well using this process if it is relevant to your concern.
Submit Electronic consultation or
Please click on the following link:
Note: Please service operation hours may vary during weekend and bank holidays.
Opening Times
Please select a site
Patient Access
Register for Online Services
Our practice now offers a wide range of services through our website, register to gain access
Please help us during these very busy times
We have seen a significant increase in the number of patients contacting us for some help.
We are trying our best to get to everyone as soon as we can and we are working hard to keep everyone safe by prioritizing our work, dealing with the most urgent issues first.
We still strongly encourage you to get in contact with us if you have any of the symptoms the NHS has advertised are of concern. Please make use of the NHS website to look up your symptoms and contact us if it advises you to do so.
Have Your Say
Where to go when the practice is closed
NHS A-Z Conditions
Live Well
Have you got the NHS App?
24/7, wherever you are, the app lets you conveniently order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record, and quickly check symptoms.
You can also book, cancel and track appointments at your GP surgery with ease. And access to NHS 111 online means no more wondering if you need urgent attention.
It’s free and owned by the NHS so you know your personal data is always secure. You can find it in in Google and Apple app stores.
Your NHS, your way. Download the NHS App.
Download the NHS App on the Apple app store.
Download the NHS App on the Google Play store.
How to Switch on Message Notifications in the NHS App
Once you have downloaded the app then follow the instructions as below:
The NHS App now lets you receive direct, secure messages from your GP practice. Messages are safe, reliable and not limited or expensive like traditional SMS text messages. Make sure to turn on notifications in your NHS App. Follow the step-by-step instructions:
- Open the NHS App on your smartphone
- Tap More in the top right Tap Account and settings
- Tap Manage notifications Toggle on Send me notifications about new messages
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Travel Vaccination
Position statement on the prescribing of selected travel vaccines
Following the local Spending NHS Money Wisely public consultation, the Governing Bodies of the BHR CCGs met in common on 29th June 2017 to agree changes to prescribing across Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge.
From 10th July 2017
Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge Clinical Commissioning Groups (BHR CCGs) no longer supports the prescribing of these vaccines for travel:
Hepatitis A&B combined
Hepatitis B
Meningococcal meningitis
Japanese encephalitis
Tick-borne encephalitis
Yellow fever
The decision to stop prescribing hepatitis A and B combined, hepatitis B, meningococcal meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, rabies, tick-borne encephalitis, tuberculosis, yellow fever vaccines applies only if they are being prescribed for travel purposes
Restricting the prescribing of these vaccines for travel applies to ALL patients across Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge. BHR CCGs have agreed NO exceptions to this recommendation. It should be noted that prescribing of these vaccines outside of travel purposes is still permitted on the NHS
GP practices may charge a registered patient for immunisation with these vaccines if requested for travel, or the patient may be given a private prescription to obtain the vaccines
Please note the following vaccines are still available to be prescribed on the NHS for travel - cholera, diphtheria, polio and tetanus booster, hepatitis A, typhoid.
Provision of travel advice: NHS patients are entitled to receive advice on recommended immunisations and malaria prophylaxis free of charge
This decision was made because:
BHR CCGs have agreed to enforce the current NHS restriction for prescribing of travel vaccines on the NHS, which has been very loosely adhered to locally
BHR CCGs have a duty to spend taxpayer’s money wisely, to make sure they get the best value possible – especially when NHS funding is being severely squeezed and more patients are being seen with more complex health issues than ever before